Council Initiatives

Don't know how to contact other Representatives or Chapter Presidents? Login with your Chapter ID & password (bottom-right corner of, then go to the footer links on any FNPS page, "Chapter Membership Tools".

Contact information in Society Contacts after Login 

The Initiatives

To learn more about Council Initiatives, how to create and monitor them, click here.

Stop the Sale of Invasive Species

This document lists 4 ways to stop the sale of invasive species in your community. Ideally, every Chapter will take one or more actions now.

Council Initiative:

Native Landscaping (a brochure in 6 regional versions)

Large, map-like brochures present the native "landscape stars" of each of six regions in Florida. Visually appealing and easy-to-understand, the brochure group species by their horticultural requirements, light and moisture, into 9 zones with 6 to 9 species recommended. These species are generally native throughout the region. The brochure briefly introduces native landscaping with basic planting and maintenance tips and references for further information. Note the regional map below.

In January 2017, the Society published 118,000 copies of FNPS Native Landscaping in six regional versions, an introductory brochure for the Florida public. The brochure is being distributed from all 38 local FNPS Chapters and through a number of partner organizations throught the state. THANK YOU to the hundreds of people throughout the state who contributed.


If your organization would like the partner with the Society to print a large quantity of these brochures, we can arrange to place your logo and contact information on the brochures. For more information, contact Valerie Anderson.

The Regions

Monroe County and the Keys are not included in the Southeast brochure because of the significant differences from the rest of the Southeast region.